To view our active offers and promos, please visit this page.
Below are the most common questions about DataCamp's promotional offers.
How often does DataCamp offer promos?
DataCamp does not have a calendar for upcoming promos, though we offer them periodically throughout the year. If your current subscription ends several months after an active promo, we recommend waiting, as we may have a similar promo closer to your renewal date.
Does DataCamp offer student discounts?
We do! Eligible students can take advantage of our student discount: Classrooms | Does DataCamp offer student discounts? Academic instructors are also encouraged to apply for DataCamp for Classrooms: DataCamp Classrooms: An Overview
I have an active subscription. Can I take advantage of this current promo?
Active DataCamp individual subscribers or users who are group members are not eligible for new promotions. Since we offer discounts periodically throughout the year, we recommend monitoring for promos around your renewal period.
Can the current promo be applied once my active subscription ends?
All individual subscriptions must begin on the day of the transaction, so new subscriptions cannot be purchased before your current subscription ends.
Can I pay in monthly installments rather than one lump sum?
Yearly subscriptions must be paid in full. DataCamp does not generally run promos for monthly subscriptions.
Can I take advantage of an expired promo?
DataCamp does not honor expired promos, though we offer discounts periodically throughout the year. We recommend monitoring your emails, social media ads, and banners within DataCamp for upcoming promos.
If I end my current subscription so that I can purchase a promo plan, will I keep my progress?
Yes! DataCamp retains your account's progress regardless of your subscription status. If your old subscription ended and you then take advantage of a promo, you can resume your learning as if you never left!
I canceled my subscription, but I am still not eligible for the promo -- why?
When you cancel your subscription, you still retain your subscription's remainder, so you will need to wait until your subscription ends before you are eligible for a new purchase with that account.
I am enrolled in a Business or Academic group. Can I still purchase a discounted subscription?
Allocated members of an active group have access to DataCamp's content because they use one of the group's licenses. You cannot use both a license and an individual subscription, so you will need to request that your group's admin remove you from the group before you can take advantage of a current promo.