DataCamp Certification is an official recognition that you’ve achieved the required skill level as a Data Scientist, Data Analyst, or Data Engineer. We measure your abilities through timed exams and a take-home case study based on scenarios you’re likely to find in the workplace. Our Certifications have been developed with the help of data experts representing a variety of industries, organizations, and roles.
DataCamp Certifications assess and validate your proficiency in the core competencies that the industry requires.
For data analysts, this includes:
Data Management
Exploratory Analysis
Statistical Experimentation
Data Communication
For data scientists, it includes:
Data Management
Exploratory Analysis
Statistical Experimentation
Programming for Data Science
Data Communication
Business Acumen
Note: For additional information, check out Frequently Asked Questions.
Getting Started
To reach your DataCamp Certification Hub, select Certification in the top left corner of your DataCamp landing page.
Once you're in the Certification hub, you can register for a specific Certification via the Get Started or Register page.
To learn more about what to expect in the exams and practical exam, see our overview of requirements for each exam here.
Step 1: Register
First, you will register for your chosen certification. You’ll have 30 days to complete the exam(s) and practical exam, so be sure you’ve read through the materials and study guide prior to beginning. You may want to complete the readiness quiz to check if you’re ready for certification. When you do begin, be sure to set aside 1 hour per exam and at least 4 hours to complete the practical exam.
If you accidentally register for the incorrect exam or decide to continue at another time, no worries! You can withdraw from the certification on that certification's dashboard by selecting "Withdraw from this certification."
Step 2: Timed exams
You’ll be able to complete the exam(s) in R or Python. Though the individual questions are not timed, you’ll have 1 hour to complete the exam. You’ll have 2 attempts to complete each exam before your certification process resets. If that does happen, you’ll need to wait 14 days before registering again. We encourage you to use that time to review material and practice.
Step 3: Practical Exam
Once you successfully complete the exam(s), you can start the practical exam. Be sure to review the rubric ahead of starting so you know how the practical exam is graded and what to expect.
If you don’t pass the exam, you’ll have 1 more attempt before your certification process resets (yes, that includes all the exams). You’ll have to wait 14 days before registering again, but we encourage you to use the time for material review and preparation.
Step 4: Congratulations!
After you successfully pass these steps, you will receive your Certification and unlock access to our exclusive DC Certified community, where you can interact with other DataCamp certified learners and participate in invite-only events that will help you make the most of your newly acquired skills.
All DataCamp Learners who have successfully completed one of DataCamp’s Certification programs will get free, lifetime access to the DC Certified Community.
If you have questions or feedback related to certification, please submit your inquiry here.