With DataCamp's New Subscriptions, admins can now purchase and allocate separate Learn and DataLab licenses to enrolled members of your DataCamp group. Additionally, learners can now have Basic access to a group, meaning that they are unbilled and do not use a license.
You can see the full breakdown of DataCamp's plans and features via our pricing page.
Adding Licenses
From Settings in your group's left panel, select Billing > Add Licenses. You will add Learn and DataLab licenses separately.
You do not need to have the same number of Learn and DataLab licenses. For example, if you have 100 Learn licenses, and you want 10 members to have a DataLab subscription, then you only need to purchase and allocate 10 DataLab licenses. The remaining 90 members will have Basic DataLab access.
Note: You cannot add new licenses until all existing invoices are settled.
Invite A Member
From Members in your group's left panel, select Invite Members or Create Invite Link in the top right corner of the page.
Invite Members
Create Invite Link
Note: Licences accessed via invite link are first come, first served -- if someone tries to join a group via invite link when there are no available licenses, they will be added to the group's waiting list: For Business | Waiting List for New Members
When sending an invitation to enroll a new member into a DataCamp group, the admin will need to select whether to allocate a license or add a member to a team. You can also add members to a team after they're enrolled: For Business | Teams: An Overview
Managing Roles & Licenses
From Members in your group's left panel, you can change a role and allocate or remove a license for Learn and/or DataLab.
Admins have full administrative access to an organization including access to billing and subscription-related tasks, organization settings, licensing, and inviting other admins to an organization.
Admins can assign admins, managers, and members. Please note that every group needs at least one admin, and there is no admin limit.
Managers are focused on organization member management, content-related features (assignments, custom tracks, etc.), and organization-level reporting. They have limited administrative access to an organization, with no access to billing and subscription-related tasks, inviting members/redeeming licenses, or organization settings.
Specific actions they can do include:
Create and manage teams
View, create, edit, and manage the organization’s custom tracks
View, create, edit and manage the organization’s assignments
View reporting, including advanced reporting pages and data exports
Specific actions they cannot do include:
Purchase new licenses or upgrades within the platform
Invite new members to the organization
Edit organization settings, including billing, SSO configuration, etc.
Team Manager
Team managers are focused on team member management, team content-related features (team assignments, etc.), and team reporting.
They have full administrative access to features within all teams of an organization they belong to, but no administrative access to the organization itself and no access at all to teams they do not belong to.
The majority of users in a typical DataCamp organization are members. Members don’t have any administrative privileges. They can, however, view and complete assignments, enroll in custom tracks, view leaderboards, and take content on DataCamp.
Basic v. Billable
Billable learners with Teams or Enterprise access occupy a paid license and have access to DataCamp’s content. Non-billable learners will be listed as Basic under the Learn category in the Members list. Basic members do not occupy a paid license and do not have full access to DataCamp’s learning content. Basic members will have access to their Group Hub to view reports and manage assignments, custom tracks, and organization settings.
If you encounter any issues with adding licenses, please contact your Customer Success Manager or open a ticket with the Support Team (atop this page).