What happens after submission?
For auto-graded practical exams, your exam will be graded immediately, and you will see the outcome. If you are unsuccessful, we will let you know which areas need improvement. We do not provide detailed feedback on exactly where you went wrong, but we will highlight the task and the criteria. You can find more information on common mistakes in the practical hub for the certification you are working on.
For manually graded practical exams, your submission will be allocated to one or more graders who will then review your submission against the grading criteria. The grading process for manually graded exams can take up to 14 days and you will be notified by email when your results are ready.
Why haven’t I received my results?
If you have not received your results after 14 days, kindly check your spam folder.
Can you give me more detailed information on where I need to improve?
As this certification assessment is designed to measure your skills, we cannot give you any further feedback on your practical exam. We strongly encourage you to carefully review the information provided in the practical hub for each certification. This includes example exams and more information on common mistakes.
Where can I view the results of my certification attempts?
To access your previous attempt results, go to the "Certification" page. On the left-hand bar, click on "Register," and then scroll down to the bottom of the page. Alternatively, you can click here.