DataCamp for Business Reporting

DataCamp for Business offers various reporting features which help you evaluate your group's engagement with DataCamp. All organization admins will have access to reporting functionality. These features are available in the Group hub under Reporting in the navigation bar. 

Insights & Analytics

Enterprise plans will have access to all of Insights & Analytics. This reporting feature includes the pages which are described below. 


  • Teams, Academic, Enterprise, Enterprise Usage, and Legacy plans have access to the Progress page for user-level summary reporting (e.g. total courses completed).
  • Enterprise, Enterprise Usage, and Legacy plans will also be able to access individual profiles for more detailed user-level information from this page (e.g. specific course and track completions).
  • The Progress page shows a table with all active members in your organization. For each active member, it will show the total number of course completions, exercise completions, chapter completions, and XP earned. This will exclude completions and activity from before they were a member of your organization (if they were active before). 
  • If you would like to see the Progress table for a specific team, you can navigate to the team's specific page to view a filtered version with only current members of the team. 

Note: If a member has not been allocated a license, or if their license is de-allocated, their progress will not be included, regardless of whether they're enrolled in the group.


  • This page focuses on giving admins insight on how successful they are in getting members to start learning on DataCamp, and is most relevant during the initial onboarding process. 
  • The page includes an adoption score, which measures how many members have earned XP over the total number of licenses (or invites sent in the case of Enterprise Usage customers). It also allows them to benchmark their adoption score across all organizations on DataCamp to give the score more context. 
  • Recommendations and insights provide clear calls to action for admins looking to boost their Adoption score. It recommends strategies we've seen be successful within organizations that have high adoption scores, like enabling SSO, creating a short XP assignment, and more. 
  • This page also includes a funnel visualization which allows admins to see adoption from the total number of purchased licenses (or invites sent in the case of Enterprise Usage customers) through invites sent, invites accepted, and members who have started earning XP. Each stage has calls to action to address bottlenecks in the funnel (e.g. sending more invites, reminding members with pending invites, creating an assignment, etc.). 


  • This page focuses on giving admins insight into the general engagement and activity of their organization at any given time. 
  • This page includes an engagement score, which measures how many enrolled members have been active with content (by earning XP) within the last 30 days. It also allows them to benchmark their engagement score with other organizations on DataCamp, so they can see how their level of engagement compares. This helps provide more context around their score. 
  • In addition to the engagement score, which is based on activity from the past 30 days, we also have a 30 Days at a Glance section, which provides some additional metrics such as total course completions, total XP earned, total time (in hours) spent on the platform, and total active members.
  • Recommendations and insights provide clear calls to action for admins looking to boost their engagement score. It recommends strategies we've seen successful within organizations that have high engagement scores, like creating custom tracks or leveraging our mobile app to boost engagement. 
  • This page includes a bar chart showing the number of unique active members in the organization over time. This report does not include members who were previously active in your organization and removed.
  • This page includes a stacked bar chart showing XP earned in the organization over time by different content types (courses, practice sessions, and projects). Admins can deselect content items from the legend to zoom in on XP earned from a specific content type. This report does not include XP earned by members who were previously in your organization and removed.
  • This page includes a line graph which shows total time spent on the platform by members, when they were a part of your organization. If a member is removed from your organization, the time spent prior to their removal is still included. If a new member joins your organization, the time spent prior to their joining is not included.
  • This page includes a line graph which shows median time spent on the platform by members when they were a part of your organization. If a member is removed from your organization, the time spent prior to their removal is still included. If a new member joins your organization, the time spent prior to their joining is not included.

Content Insights

  • This page includes a visualization which shows the XP earned by technology (e.g. R, Python, SQL, etc.) on DataCamp for all time. This allows you to see which technologies your group has engaged with the most. 
  • This page includes a visualization that shows the XP earned by topic (e.g. Programming, Statistics, Visualization, etc.) on DataCamp for all time. This allows you to see which topics your group has engaged with the most. 
  • This page will show admins a list of the top five most popular courses based on course starts and course completions, so they can quickly see which courses their group is engaging with the most. 


Enterprise and Enterprise Usage customers have exclusive access to this page. 

  • Our Signal reporting page shows metrics related to your group's engagement with DataCamp Signal over the past 30 days, including the number of assessment completions, number of unique users, and the median score from the past 30 days. 
  • This page will include a visualization that shows the number of Signal assessment completions over time. 
  • This page will include a visualization that shows how your organization’s median score for each assessment compares to all other active organizations’ scores. This will enable you to see your organization’s overall skill level relative to other companies on DataCamp. 
  • This page also includes a technologies assessment overview based on your organization's performance for R, Python, and SQL. For each technology, you will see what courses we recommended you complete based on your results. These are easily assignable directly from this page. 


Enterprise, Enterprise Usage, and Legacy customers have access to the Data Exports feature. 

  • Files are downloadable as Excel (.xls) or .csv files. Files will take a few moments to process depending on the size of your organization and the volume of data you are exporting. You will receive an email when the processing is complete. You'll be able to download the file from the Data Export page for 30 days after the initial request. You'll always be able to download a new copy of the file, assuming your subscription is still active. 
  • When selecting the XLS format, there is a limit to the number of rows that can be exported. If you hit that limit, you will see a message within DataCamp.

Summary File:

There are two sheets in the file: 

  • The summary groups sheet provides an overview of metadata and completions for each member in your group, including name, email, teams, total course completions, a list of courses completed, etc.
  • The detailed by-course sheet provides a unique user-course completion record with additional metadata for reporting. 

If you want to download an export for a specific team, you need to go to the team-specific page to export the file. If you do this, only members who are in the team will be included. 

See also: