Why did PayPal charge me for a DataCamp plan that I cannot access?


I see a DataCamp charge on my card, but I still encounter a paywall when I try to access DataCamp's content.


You may have noticed a pending DataCamp charge on your PayPal even though you don't have access to DataCamp's content. Don’t worry!

Like most online services, we work with an "authorization and capture" method, similar to a deposit. PayPal will authorize your card for the deposit and will only capture it in the event it needs to be paid. Otherwise, the funds are released after a short period.

For visibility, here is the process: 

  1. We receive your payment information, i.e. your credit card details.
  2. Your bank will then authorize the transaction to confirm whether or not there are sufficient funds. It is at this point that they have also reserved the amount for us in case we choose to debit it from your account.
  3. After authorization to make the charge, we can capture the money. If we do capture it, then your card has been debited. However, if your payment was canceled or failed due to an error, then it means we did not complete the capture.