I have an existing DataCamp account associated with my personal email address. My organization now has a group within DataCamp, and I would like to transfer my account to their organization. How do I do that without losing my XP or course progress?
Update your account's email address
- Log into your DataCamp account
- In the top-right corner of DataCamp's landing page, select My Account > Account Settings
- Within your Account Settings, change your personal email address to your company email address
- At the bottom of that page, select Save Changes
Join your organization's DataCamp Group
- Request an invite link from your organization's DataCamp admin
- Alternatively, your admin can invite you via email
- So long as you're using the same account (with a new email), you will retain your progress and XP.
- Once your organization's business subscription ends, you can change your account's email again and purchase a new individual subscription.
- If you cannot change your email because your organization has already created a separate account with your business email, follow the steps in this article: Transferring Personal Account to New Business Account