What is the DataCamp Slack Community?
With Slack, DataCamp has built an instant messaging community where DataCamp subscribers of all levels can interact directly to discuss DataCamp and data science.
How can I access the DataCamp Slack Community?
DataCamp subscribers can access the DataCamp Slack Community from the dropdown in the top right corner of Learn, DataLab, Certification, or Groups.
You can also access Slack from DataCamp's Help Center.
Please note that the Slack community cannot be accessed via mobile and must be accessed via desktop.
When should I reach out to DataCamp Support instead?
For issues that require that you share your personal information, i.e. email addresses, account numbers, invoices, etc, we recommend that you submit a Support request, where we can properly escalate your inquiry to the appropriate member of our Support Team.
As a reminder, you should always check our status page for updates: https://status.datacamp.com/.
Guidelines and Best Practices
We ask that all community members follow our guidelines:
- Be respectful. Please respect your fellow community. Debating and sharing differing opinions and viewpoints is encouraged, but only when it is done in a polite and respectful manner. Insulting, condescending, abusive, or generally mean-spirited messages will not be tolerated and will be reported and removed.
- Post appropriately. You may not post inappropriate or copyrighted content, advertise or promote outside products or organizations, or spam the group with repeat messages.
- Be constructive. Our community is about learning with and through engagement with one another. When commenting on each other’s messages, try to offer constructive feedback and suggestions.
We also recommend some best practices:
- Use threads when appropriate. When responding to an older message, respond in a thread so that it is easier to follow and doesn’t overlap with other conversations.
- Using @, you can tag someone if you are addressing them directly.
- Format your code properly. When sharing code, use single backticks (`) for single lines of code, and triple backticks (```) for multiple lines of code.
- Do not double post the same inquiry in multiple channels.
- Only pin important resources. Do not pin unanswered questions.
- When referencing DataCamp courses, include the link to the course in your message.
Who moderates the DataCamp Slack Community?
You! In DataCamp's Slack channels, we encourage everyone to support each other.
We also have a team of dedicated DataCamp Community Champions who will jump in when necessary.