DataCamp Certifications: How can I improve my score?

If you have taken a certification exam and would like to improve your score, we have a plethora of resources to help you. A great place to start is our certifications page

Prepare with DataCamp

If you want to check what knowledge you should have, this section is for you. 

Based on your feedback from the timed exam, we will have recommended some courses for you to study. You can either enter the course names directly into the search bar or find them in the recommended track section.


Practical exams

The practical exam section of the certification page has sample practical exams and guided sample exams for some certifications. We recommend you also take a look at the Common Exam Mistakes section—we’ve seen many candidates’ submissions, so we know what often goes wrong!


Other resources and guidance

We also have more detailed guidance for some assessment areas, which you can find below: