360 Learning Integration

About the integration

DataCamp supports an integration with the 360 Learning LMS through the 360 Learning API. Both DataCamp content as well as learner completions can be made available for 360 Learning users.

Content sync process

DataCamp can sync the following content to 360 Learning:

  • Courses
  • Projects
  • Assessments
  • Practices

These are synchronized with the 360 Learning tenant at a 3 hour interval. Important to note is that in 360 Learning, all of these different types of content will show up as courses. Their respective DataCamp content type will be represented in the course name on 360 Learning, for example "Introduction to Python - Course".

Only content that is currently live on DataCamp will be synchronized, not content that has been archived. This also means that whenever an item gets archived on DataCamp, it will also be removed from 360 Learning.

Content mapping

The table below summarizes how the metadata from DataCamp content is mapped to 360 Learning.

Name Description
title Title of the content, for example "Introduction to Python". This will be postfixed with the DataCamp content type, so "Introduction to Python - Course".
description Description of the content.
courseDuration Duration of the content, represented in amount of minutes. Only courses and projects have a duration.
externalId The ID of the content item that will be used to correlate between 360 Learning and DataCamp.
language The language of the content. This is always english ('en')
contentType The 360 Learning content type, this is always "course" for our integration.
launchUrl The DataCamp content deeplink. This will go straight to the content item in DataCamp so learners can get started right away.
thumbnailUrl The thumbnail for the course in 360 Learning. This thumbnail will be a Datacamp-styled image for the technology. This can be seen in the example screenshots included further down.
subjects The subjects on 360 Learning contain both the DataCamp content's topics as well as relevant technologies. It could for example be Data Manipulation and Python (formatted as an array ['Data Manipulation', 'Python']
authors The authors for the DataCamp content. Only courses and projects have authors.


Completions sync process

Completions for DataCamp content are synced close-to-realtime via the 360 Learning API. Important to note is that completions are attributed to the email of the DataCamp learner. This means that a learner on DataCamp and a learner on 360 Learning need to have the same email in order to have completion data. Completions are represented as course stats on 360 Learning, a completion once registered always means a content type was fully completed. We do not sync content start or progress, and completions also don't include scores for any content types.

SSO and deeplinking

All content items sent by DataCamp have a launch url, which is a so-called deeplink. If single sign-on is enabled and set to required for your organization on the DataCamp side, these links will redirect learners to their identity provider before redirecting them to the actual content on DataCamp.

If single sign-on with the same identity provider is configured on 360 Learning, this allows a seamless experience between Degreed and DataCamp. If learners are already logged into their LMS, they will not have to sign in again when they launch a content item on DataCamp.


In order to set up an integration with 360 Learning the following requirements must be met:

  • You must have access to an active organisation on 360 Learning;
  • You must have an active enterprise subscription on DataCamp;
  • As mentioned, in order for completions to be synchronized, email addresses for users on DataCamp must be the same as the email addresses used in 360 Learning


To set up an integration with 360 Learning, we need to go through a few steps. Datacamp requires some information in order to activate the integration. Go through these steps and note down the fields that are required after finding them.

Step 1: Generate a new API key for your 360 Learning group.

You need admin rights and then you need to go to the group settings. See the red square in the image below.

Then, go to the "API" tab and add a new API key for the DataCamp integration.

Step 2: Get the 360 Learning group ID

While still being on the same page, we have access to the group ID. The URL of the group settings pages should look something like this:


"<your_group_id>" here would be a random set of alphanumeric characters. This is your 360 Learning group ID.

Step 3: Get the company ID

On the same page still, we can find the company ID, the red square in the below screenshot is where you'll find it.

Step 4: Get the author ID

All courses in 360 Learning require an "author", this includes courses that have been imported via integrations. The author is a user just like any other, however an important note here is that you should consider creating a "system account" that doesn't represent a user, but is only used for the author. That way this user is persistent and can't leave your company or tenant which would result in the integration not working until a new author is appointed.

The author ID can be found similarly to the group ID in the URL. However in order to get the URL you'll have to be logged in as a user who is not the author. Then go to this user's profile and extract the author ID from the URL.

To go to the profile page, first go to home and go to the "users" tab.

Then in the list of users, go to the profile of the user that will be the author. This should take you to the following URL


The <user_id> here is the value that we need.

Step 5: Request integration to DataCamp

Send the above information to your DataCamp contact - preferably in a secure manner. On top of this we will need to following information:

  • Which content types need to be synchronized from the following list: Courses, Projects, Assessments, Practices
  • Whether completions need to be synchronized

With this information we can set up the integration, once this is done your DataCamp contact will notify you.


Once this is done you will have access to the DataCamp content on 360 Learning.

Completion records can be found in your profile (top right round button) -> "Results" and then under "Courses"



Will a user completion be registered in 360 Learning if a course is skipped?

Completions are not sent to 360 Learning when a course is skipped, and learning hours are not counted for skipped courses. (Courses can be skipped as part of a track, when passing a "test-out" assessment).