Degreed Direct Integration

About the integration

At DataCamp, we can integrate with Degreed, making our content and completions available on the LMS.

Content sync process

DataCamp is officially partnered with Degreed. By enabling the DataCamp integration from the Degreed admin dashboard, all the DataCamp public content, including courses, projects, practices and assessments, become available for internal search in Degreed.

Furthermore, all DataCamp content is available in the Degreed public library. 

As Degreed does not contain the concept of projects and practice as in DataCamp, these content items are represented as courses. Courses and assessments are represented as respective courses and assessments in Degreed. 

Custom tracks can be synced to the customer organisation directly on a periodic basis. They are represented as a course in Degreed, the course contains a link to the track description page on DataCamp.

Degreed datacenters

Degreed currently has 3 Datacenters: US, EU and CA. DataCamp only syncs their content to the US datacenter, after which Degreed runs a weekly sync process to sync content from the US to the EU and CA datacenter. As such, it can take up to a week until a newly launched content item on DataCamp is available for customers that are on the EU or CA datacenter.

Content mapping

The table below summarizes the metadata for each content item DataCamp sends to Degreed.

Name Description
external-id The unique identifier for the content item on DataCamp
title The title of the content item. Titles are in the format “[title] - [contentType]”, e.g. “Wrangling and Visualizing Musical Data - Project
summary The description of the content item
url The url to the content item
provider-code Set to “datacamp”
image-url The URI for the thumbnail, based on the technology (R, SQL …) if available, the DataCamp logo if not
duration The duration of the content item in hours for courses, projects and (custom) tracks, null otherwise
duration-type Set to “hours” if duration is set
obsolete Set to “false” for active content, “true” for archived content
format For courses, projects, practice and custom tracks: he content type of the item
num-questions Only for assessments: set to “15”


Completions sync process

Next to content, DataCamp can also sync content completions to Degreed. This is only possible when the DataCamp integration is enabled in the Degreed admin dashboard. We currently support completions for courses, projects, practices and assessments.

Completions are synced close to real time, which means that if a learner completes some content item on DataCamp, the completion should appear in Degreed within a maximum of a few minutes.

Next to a reference to the content item that has been completed, a completion contains the completion date and the email address of the user that completed the item.

For the completion to propagate correctly, it is thus important that the user is registered with the same email address on DataCamp as on Degreed.

SSO and deeplinking

All content items sent by DataCamp have a launch url, which is a so-called deeplink. If single sign-on is enabled and set to required for your organization on the DataCamp side, these links will redirect learners to their identity provider before redirecting them to the actual content on DataCamp.

If single sign-on with the same identity provider is configured on Degreed, this allows a seamless experience between Degreed and DataCamp. If learners are already logged into their LMS, they will not have to sign in again when they launch a content item on DataCamp.


In order to set up an integration with Degreed, the following requirements must be met:

  • You must have access to an active organisation on Degreed;
  • You must have an active enterprise subscription on DataCamp;
  • In order for completions to be synchronized, email addresses for users on DataCamp must be the same as the email addresses used in Degreed
  • You must have admin privileges on the Degreed organisation


To set up an integration with Degreed, some steps need to be taken.

Step 1: Enable the DataCamp integration on Degreed

Follow these steps to enable the DataCamp integration via the Degreed admin dashboard. This will make the DataCamp content catalog available within the Degreed internal search, and create the DataCamp provider which we will need in the next step.

Step 2: Generate Degreed API credentials

After enabling the DataCamp integration, follow these steps to create provider API credentials for the Degreed API. DataCamp needs these to send custom tracks and completions.

In the provider dropdown, choose “DataCamp”. Give the credentials the following scopes:

  • content:read
  • content:write
  • completions:read
  • completions:write

After generating the credentials, note down the client id and client secret as you’ll need it in the next step.

Step 3: DataCamp setup

Send the credentials you generated in step 1 in a secured way to your contact at DataCamp. The data you send must include:

  • The client id;
  • The client secret;
  • The id of your Degreed organisation;
  • Whether custom tracks should be synced to Degreed;
  • Whether content completions should be synced to Degreed

The DataCamp team will use these to set up the integration and run the first content sync. 


Where can I find the content?

To find the DataCamp content, log in to Degreed and search for any part of the title of a content item in the DataCamp catalog (e.g. Python). On the results page, open the “providers” filter and choose “DataCamp”. This will show all DataCamp content items with the term you searched for in the title.

Where can a user find their completions?

To view your completions, log in to Degreed and go to “Profile”. Next, open the collection tab. Open the “providers” filter and choose the DataCamp provider. You’ll be shown a list of all content you have completed on DataCamp.

Will a user completion be registered in Degreed if a course is skipped?

It will not, and the learning hours will not be recorded to Degreed when a course is skipped on Datacamp. (Courses can be skipped as part of a track, when passing a "test-out" assessment).